Charter Members
About Our Club

Red Bank Rotary Club
Charter Members
Charter Members
Original Club Number: 842
Organized: 1921
Mort V. Pach
Classification: Tobacco
Position: President
Sold Pipes, Cigarettes, etc. Store location was at SE corner of Broad and Mechanic St.
William H. Houston
Classification: Attorney
Position: Vice President
Office was on Broad St. near Millers Shoes
Classification: Attorney
Position: Vice President
Office was on Broad St. near Millers Shoes
Monroe Eisner
Classification: Clothing Manufacturing
Position: Treasurer
Son of Sigmund Eisner, founder of Eisner Manufacturing Co. Maker of uniforms. Location was near RR Station and Bridge Ave.
Classification: Clothing Manufacturing
Position: Treasurer
Son of Sigmund Eisner, founder of Eisner Manufacturing Co. Maker of uniforms. Location was near RR Station and Bridge Ave.
John T. Lawley
Classification: Real Estate
Position: Secretary
Father of 6th RBR President John T. Lawley. Business near Coopers Bridge on route 35
Classification: Real Estate
Position: Secretary
Father of 6th RBR President John T. Lawley. Business near Coopers Bridge on route 35
Richard Applegate
Classification: Hardware
Firm of Hendrickson Applegate, now Kislins
Classification: Hardware
Firm of Hendrickson Applegate, now Kislins
Harry Campbell
Classification: Banking
President 2nd national bank & trust co. SE corner of Broad and Wallace
Classification: Banking
President 2nd national bank & trust co. SE corner of Broad and Wallace
Harry Burrowes
Classification: Lumber
Burrowes Lumber Co, corner of Front and Burrowes Alley (Later Satter Lumber Co.)
Classification: Lumber
Burrowes Lumber Co, corner of Front and Burrowes Alley (Later Satter Lumber Co.)
Marcus M. Davidson
Classification: Mens Clothing
M.W. Davidson & Sons, 34 Broad St. (Now Prowns)
Classification: Mens Clothing
M.W. Davidson & Sons, 34 Broad St. (Now Prowns)
George G. Hopping
Classification: Insurance
East side of Broad Street near Wallace
Classification: Insurance
East side of Broad Street near Wallace
John A. Kennedy
Classifiaction: Florist
W.W.I Kennedy & Sons, East side of Broad Street, opposite White Street
Classifiaction: Florist
W.W.I Kennedy & Sons, East side of Broad Street, opposite White Street
Arthur Mac Donald
Classifiaction: Music
Trustings Music Store on Monmouth Street, sold sheet music and instruments
Classifiaction: Music
Trustings Music Store on Monmouth Street, sold sheet music and instruments
Frank Mc Mahon
Classification: Banking
President, Red Bank Trust Co., corner of Broad and Wallace, Marble Building
Classification: Banking
President, Red Bank Trust Co., corner of Broad and Wallace, Marble Building
Albert S. Miller
Classifiaction: Shoes
Albert S. Miller shoes still exists as a business under present owners
Classifiaction: Shoes
Albert S. Miller shoes still exists as a business under present owners
John H. Mount
Classification: Carriage Builder
JH Mount and Sons built and serviced horse drawn luxury vehicles, followed by motor vehicle sales and repairs. John became 2nd president of RBR, his son Jack Mount was an active Rotarian in the 1930's
Classification: Carriage Builder
JH Mount and Sons built and serviced horse drawn luxury vehicles, followed by motor vehicle sales and repairs. John became 2nd president of RBR, his son Jack Mount was an active Rotarian in the 1930's
William O'Brien
Classifiaction: Plumber
O'Brien and Sons was between Broad and English Plaza. William (son) was an active Rotarian in the 1930's
Classifiaction: Plumber
O'Brien and Sons was between Broad and English Plaza. William (son) was an active Rotarian in the 1930's
Pierre A. Proal
Classification: Boat Builder
Pierre Proal Boats and Marina, now Irwins Marina
Classification: Boat Builder
Pierre Proal Boats and Marina, now Irwins Marina
Charles K .Strauss
Classification: Womens Clothing
Strauss was located between White and Mechanic Street
Classification: Womens Clothing
Strauss was located between White and Mechanic Street
William A. Sweeny
Classification: Publisher
Red Bank Standard on Monmouth Street next to Boro Hall. William was the 5th president of RBR
Classification: Publisher
Red Bank Standard on Monmouth Street next to Boro Hall. William was the 5th president of RBR
Philip S. Walton
Classification: Banker
Second National Bank and Trust Co. Corner of Broad and Wallace
Classification: Banker
Second National Bank and Trust Co. Corner of Broad and Wallace
The first RBR meetings were held in Thomas's Inn located on the north side of Front Street apposite English Plaza (Now Riverfront Park) The second meeting site was the Elks Building on South Broad at Pickney Road. In 1938, under the presidency of Bill Miller, the Molly Pitcher became the official meeting place for the RBR.